Policy that works.
Service that helps.

What is the ÖH and what tasks does it have?
How is the ÖH structured?

ÖH Chair Team
Chairperson: Lena Zachmann (KSV-KJÖ) oeh.vorsitz@aau.at
first vice chair person: Olha Tarnopolska (VSStÖ) oeh.stvvorsitz1@aau.at
second vice chair person: Nadja Regenfelder (PLUS) oeh.stvvorsitz2@aau.at

ÖH Secretary’s Office
Would you like to work in the ÖH, implement a project or clarify questions about your departmental work? Would you like to work in the Austrian National Union of Students , implement a project or clarify questions about your departmental work? Do you need a confirmation of your ÖH activity or do you want to have your tuition fees refunded? Are you a student representative and would like to participate in a committee?
The ÖH Secretary’s Office is the point of contact for all ÖH internal topics and will be happy to support you with your questions. All applications, inquiries and other documents can be found under Downloads.
Secretary’s Office: Margarethe Meckel
+43 463 2700 8803
Delegations: Jasmin Pölzl
+43 463 2700 8845
Office hours:
Monday-Wednesday 9am-12pm
Thursday 10am-1pm
Room Nr.: 0.1.08
ÖH Departments
So that you can find what you are looking for immediately.