Current tenders

Be part of the ÖH team!

Are you looking for exciting projects and the chance to get involved in a variety of ways outside of your studies? Would you like to actively shape your study life and that of your fellow students? And acquire new skills through training and practical experience? Then send us your letter of motivation including your CV and references to

Important: Only qualifications and motivation are decisive for the occupation. Membership in a student group does not matter. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Departement for social and regional politics


The department deals in a variety of ways with socio-political issues and the complexities of human rights and ecology. In various projects and events, socially relevant issues are addressed and prevailing structures are critically questioned. Furthermore, the department is committed to a sustainable university.

We are looking for:

  • One department head (team leader)
  • People in Charge for permanent or project-related cooperation

You are interested in:

  • Socio-political structures and their changes
  • Environmental and social sustainability
  • Networking with stakeholders and regional policy

Areas of responsibility:

  • Initiation and coordination of projects in the field of social policy, human rights and ecology
  • Raising awareness of environmental and social sustainability at our university
  • Networking with university and non-university bodies dealing with social issues and sustainability

What we expect from you:

  • Interest in social issues and sustainable developments
  • You will be available to the department for approx. 5-7 hours per week.
  • Commitment, independence, ability to work in a team and reliability

Department for feminist politics and equality issues


The department deals with issues of gender equality, the dismantling of discriminatory structures and the identification of patriarchal patterns and systems. Events and projects aim to counteract prejudices and highlight stereotypes. The department also represents the ÖH in the university’s working group for gender equality issues and participates in shaping the university’s offerings on gender and gender equality issues.

We are looking for:

  • One department head (team leader)
  • People in Charge for permanent or project-related cooperation

You are interested in:

  • Socio-political structures and their changes
  • Social sustainability
  • Networking with stakeholders and regional policy

Areas of responsibility:

  • Gender policy and feminist issues and non-patriarchal forms of society
  • Gender equality at the AAU Klagenfurt
  • Raising awareness of gender and feminism

What we expect from you:

  • Initiation and coordination of projects in the field of women’s and gender policy
  • Advice for students in the area of women’s and gender policy (via e-mail or personal contact)
  • Representation of the ÖH in the working group for gender equality issues at the University of Klagenfurt
  • Creation of information materials relating to women’s policy and gender issues