Departement for
Anti-fascism, anti-racism and anti-capitalist system criticism
Create awareness.
Fighting inequality.
The Department for Anti-Fascism, Anti-Racism and Anti-Capitalist System Criticism is committed to anchoring anti-discrimination and gender-oriented policies at the University of Klagenfurt. We sensitize students to dealing with mechanisms of oppression and domination such as anti-Semitism, racism, fascism and capitalism and stand by you as a contact person in case of discrimination or violence.
Together with local initiatives and groups, we participate in remembrance culture and activist actions. Thus, on the one hand, we contribute to the preservation of a living culture of memory and on the other hand to the future-oriented change in society. Our regularly recurring events include participation in local culture of remembrance, visits to memorial sites and political institutions as well as the reading circle for critical examination of communist ideas based on current topics.
At the heart of our activity is raising awareness for social justice and tolerance. We work against tendencies of social exclusion of marginalized groups and pursue criticism of capitalism away from consumer blaming. Instead, we ask the question of the causes and ways to combat social inequality.
Do you want to learn more about social justice or do you have ideas that contribute to a better community? We organize lectures, discussion evenings and other events that give you and other students space for open dialogue, critical reflection and the exchange of ideas and perspectives. With these activities, we not only want to inform, but also to stimulate a sustainable rethinking. To get closer to a tolerant society.

You still have questions?
Contact persons:
Departement head: Alexandra Emig
Members: Daniel Schober, Martin Krawanja