Departement for

Information, media and public relations

Always up to date and actively involved.

Information, news and PR: The Department for Information, Media and Public Relations provides you with all the news about the activities of the ÖH at the University of Klagenfurt as well as all the important updates of the University of Klagenfurt. We inform you about current and upcoming projects, initiatives and events of the ÖH and report on relevant developments and events at the University. So that you are always well informed and can actively participate in the action.

The Information department of the ÖH University of Klagenfurt/Celovec plays a central role in internal and external communication. Our main task is to strengthen the visibility of the ÖH in its environment, whether through the development and consolidation of our corporate identity, regular updates on the ÖH’s work for the university public and external stakeholders, or the design of advertising materials and merchandise on behalf of the ÖH.

In addition, we are present at all public events to capture and document them photographically. We maintain the social media channels of the ÖH Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec and are responsible for the organization and conception of the Lautstark magazine. A magazine by students for students, which provides you with important information and news about university and student life.

Our mission: to be a transparent and accessible source of information that supports you in your daily life on campus and allows you to fully experience the diversity and dynamism of the University of Klagenfurt.

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

Departement head: Mirjam-Isabel Krobath
Graphic Designers: Eva Sarycheva, Julia Sereinig, Melanie Ottowitz
Content Management: Yoanna Haralambova, Jennifer Pflügl
Newsletter: Sabrina Adam
Translation: Hanna Novak
