Study Representation

Doctoral Studies

Informations about the programme

Doctoral Studies

Academic Degree:
Doctorate of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)
Doctorate of Philosophy (Dr. phil.)
Doctorate of Social and Economic Sciences (Dr. rer. soc. oec.)
Doctorate of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.)
Doctorate of Law (Dr. iur.)

Still not satisfied after the Masters? The doctoral program enables you to do independent scientific work. You research independently on a chosen topic. Admission to the studies is made by the Rectorate by means of applications in the study department. Ideally, you already have clear ideas about the dissertation topic and your desired supervisors at the time of admission.

In addition to individual supervision by a university lecturer with teaching authority, a different number of ECTS credits must be completed depending on the dissertation area. The selection should be agreed with the supervisor and program manager.

The dissertation requires the independent processing of a specific problem within the current scientific field of research. The dissertation project must be presented to the relevant Doctoral Advisory Board at the latest at the end of the first academic year of the doctoral program in the form of a presentation containing the state of research, objectives, methods and a timetable. If your dissertation is evaluated positively and you have successfully completed all required courses, all that is left is the oral final examination in front of an examination committee, in which the results of your dissertation are publicly presented and critically discussed (Difensio).

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

chair person: Thomas Hrast
vice chair person: Hussein Ahmad
