
Forms, applications and more.
Here you will find all relevant documents of the ÖH University of Klagenfurt/Celovec collected for internal and external communication at a glance.


If you have any questions about the following forms, please contact

Guide Contact landlord
Apartment sample letter
Housing guide of the ÖH Uni Klagenfurt
Inspection checklist 
Housing situation in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Department for economical affairs

If you have any questions about the following forms, please contact the Department of Economic Affairs at

Budget 2023/2024
Annual financial statements 2023/2024
Annual budget 2022/2023
Cash book
Advance on costs
Test report 2023/2024
Contract for work

Statues and Management order

Here you can find the current statutes of the ÖH Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec and the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt/Celovec as well as the financial regulations.

Financial regulations ÖH Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec
Statutes ÖH Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec
Statutes of the Uni Klagenfurt/Celovec
Higher Education Act