Study representation


Informations about the programme

Bachelor Programme

Academic degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Numbers excite you and you love solving problems with mathematical formulas? In the Bachelor’s programme of Technical Mathematics, you will take courses in the areas of Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Optimization, Programming and Stochastics. In addition to the essential mathematical tools, you will also be taught skills that enable you to formulate independent problems mathematically and to develop solutions. The application-oriented lectures offer you the basis for good and diverse career prospects such as risk managers in finance and insurance, process optimizer in technology companies or IT security experts.

Master programme

Academic degree: Diploma Engineer (Dipl.-Eng. or DI)

In the Master’s degree in Mathematics, you can choose between the subjects of Applied Analysis, Applied Statistics or Discrete Mathematics and thus further promote your abstract and networked thinking. You apply theoretical knowledge directly in practice. For example, a compulsory practical semester anchored in the curriculum is provided that allows you to work on a practical problem for one semester in a domestic or foreign company and gain valuable insights into the professional world. After that, you are equipped for a wide variety of professional fields: from consulting (e.g. problem analysis, product development) to working for authorities (e.g. as a statistician or environmental engineer) to research and development.

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

Person in charge: Stefan Haan
