ÖH Active

Your chance to make a difference!

There are many ways to get active with ÖH. You can help in one of the departments or have yourself set up as a student representative. The activities are basically voluntary, but we can pay you a small amount of compensation for your work. However, the most important thing about ÖH work is what you take with you for yourself.

You will meet many interesting people and become part of a community that has a strong feeling of community. You will learn about committee work at the University and can network with professors to have a direct influence on processes at the University of Klagenfurt.

Become part of the ÖH team and let’s make a difference together!

Why take action at ÖH?

  • You are actively involved in shaping events at the University of Klagenfurt.
  • You implement projects and events according to your interests.
  • You improve the study conditions at the University of Klagenfurt.
  • You participate in decision-making processes at the University of Klagenfurt.
  • You will gain a variety of practical experiences that will enrich your CV.

What are the benefits of working at ÖH?

  • Own budget for your projects.
  • Further education and training opportunities of the ÖH.
  • Networking with other departments and the federal representation.
  • Crediting the ÖH activity for “free electives”.
  • Partial credit for your internship during your studies.
  • Use of the infrastructure (e.g. office, copy card).
  • Extension of the student grant (if you have completed the ÖH activity in full semesters).
  • Reimbursement of tuition fees (if you worked for several semesters at ÖH). Find out more at oeh.sekretariat@aau.at

Do you want to be active for ÖH?

Then write us an e-mail to oeh.sekretariat@aau.at or come by and inform yourself. We look forward to seeing you! PSST: You can also take a look at our current job advertisements.

Legal basis: The activities of department heads and Members of the ÖH are regulated by the Higher Education Act (HSG14).