ÖH Elections

Your Voice Matters!
ÖH is your legal representation. Every two years, you have the opportunity at three levels – student representation, university representation and federal representation – to elect those people and groups who represent you to the professors, the university management and politics.
Use your voice and actively shape the future of your studies! We can only achieve change together.

Who? What? When? Where?

The most important information about the ÖH election

Who can vote?

All regular members of the Austrian National Student Union who have paid the ÖH fee and, if applicable, tuition fee for the current semester are eligible to vote.

Who will be elected?

The election of the study representative is a election of individuals. Here, people are elected directly, depending on the number of students in the respective field of study. Elections to the University and the Federal representatives are elections of lists. Here, a certain group of people is elected in a certain order, with this order determining how many mandates each group receives.

How do you vote?

You can vote on election days directly at the polling station at the University of Klagenfurt or by voting card (postal voting). In the second case, only the levels of the federal representation and the university representation can be elected.
Attention: Voting cards can be applied for from 7 weeks before the second election day and up to 1 week before the first election day and must arrive at the Election Commission no later than 6 p.m. on the second election day.

When is the election?

The next elections for all three levels of representation (federal representation, university representation and study representation) will take place in 2025. Further information can be found here on our website.

Where do you vote?

At the University of Klagenfurt, the polling station is located in the Omansaal (Z.1.29) on all three election days, just after the doorman at the main entrance on the right.

Are you studying at several universities? No problem!

At all enrolled universities, you can vote for the university representatives and the study representatives for the degree programs you are enrolled in. Please note: The federal representation can only be elected once in each case.
All the current information (election results etc.) about the 2023 election can be found on our download page.