Study representation


Informations about the programme

Bachelor Programme

Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

You are a logical thinker and like to analyze problems from an abstract perspective in order to find new solutions? In the Bachelor’s programme in Philosophy, you will get a wide range of topics that you will cover in depth: in addition to bioethics and philosophy of technology, philosophy of antiquity and philosophical gender anthropology, there are many other areas in which you can practice your philosophical skills. In addition, the study of philosophy as a source profession enables you to complete a psychotherapy training.

The study of philosophy fosters the capacity for abstract and flexible thinking, the capacity for coherent reasoning as well as self-organized learning and action. All this is of great importance not only in scientific work, but also in the field of art and culture, in the field of social and health, in politics and in business enterprises.

You can use your acquired philosophical skills in a wide range of fields: research, psychotherapy, organisational and product development, technology and business as well as in the media.

Master programme

Academic degree: Master of Arts (MA)

In the Master’s programme in Philosophy, the study contents of the Bachelor’s programme are further deepened. You work independently and in a team on scientific questions of philosophy. You develop your own theories, convey complex facts logically and clearly, and deal with current political, ethical and social problems critically and reflexively. In addition, the Master’s programme also provides you with the necessary knowledge for a scientific career, for example to obtain a doctoral degree.

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

chair person: Beate Russold
vice chair person: Katrin Pfeifhofer
second vice chair person: Hannes Müller
