Study representation

Media and Communications

Informations about the Study

Bachelor Programme

Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Are you passionate about the PR and media world and the digital space is your second home? In the Bachelor’s programme in Media and Communication Sciences, you will gain a close link between theoretical and practical knowledge. You edit videos, create graphics, write blogs and organize events. And: You’ll gain a scientific foundation to understand what’s behind the fascinating world of media and how to achieve long-term economic success with media and communication.

The study programme includes the content focus areas Media Management, Cultural Studies, Organisational Communication, Media Pedagogy, Media Ethics, Media and Gender and Media and Technology. This provides you with a wide range of skills and key qualifications that allow you to work flexibly in the diverse and rapidly changing professional fields of information and media societies.

After graduation, you will be employed in many media- and communication-oriented professions. Possible fields of activity include public relations, marketing and advertising, creative industries, media development, media education and media and communication consulting.

Master programme

Academic degree: Master of Arts (MA)

In the master’s programme Media, Communication and Culture, you will learn theories and concepts of critical media research in order to investigate and reflect on different areas such as social media or film and television. In addition, you will be taught the economic aspects of the communication and media industry. In addition to the theoretical content, you will gain practical insights from international professionals in the fields of PR, advertising, media and art. You’ll design online content, plan communication campaigns and learn how to implement your own creative ideas to be well prepared for the media market.

Academic degree: Master of Science (MSc)

The Master’s program in Media and Convergence Management focuses on technical, media, content and cross-industry convergence. We encounter it when smartphones and tablets serve as end devices for media use, when we encounter content in films, as computer games and as books at the same time and when the boundaries in the TIMES industry (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment and Security) become blurred. Would you like to organize and manage such convergence processes? This English-language Master’s degree program is unique in its form and attracts students from all over the world to Klagenfurt. The interdisciplinary course provides you with exactly the skills that are currently in high demand in the media industry, but also in many other entrepreneurial organizational structures.

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

chair person: Jakob-Manuel Krobath
deputy chair person: Julia Šimić
second deputy chair person: Matthias Trinkl
Members: Raffaela Anna Mori, Maximilian Peter Fischer
