Study representation

Applied Cultural Studies

Information about the programme

Bachelor programme

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Are you passionate about analyzing, understanding and communicating cultural phenomena? Or do you want to successfully plan and implement cultural events yourself? In the Bachelor’s programme Applied Cultural Studies, you will receive a generally sound education in cultural studies, which also includes qualifications in economics. The compulsory subjects are divided into language training, theories of cultural studies and fields of culture as well as fundamentals of cultural management.
In the Bachelor’s degree program Applied Cultural Studies, you will be taught a wide range of skills that are in demand in different cultural professional fields. This includes providing cultural advice for companies, NGOs or political institutions, curating museums and exhibitions, and working in an international environment where multilingual skills are of great importance. In addition, cultural management (cultural work, event management, organization and implementation of cultural projects) is a possible career field.

Master programme

Degree: Master of Arts (MA)

The Master’s programme in Applied Cultural Studies and Transcultural Studies covers the departments of Theory and Methods of Cultural Studies, Cultural Education and Communication as well as Cultural Studies. In addition, you will complete a cultural science internship at a cultural institution of your choice. Upon successful completion, you will have a wide range of professional fields open to you, such as arts and culture, cultural journalism, film and television, press and public relations, and creative industries.

You still have questions?

Contact persons:

chair person: Johanna Steindl
vice chair person: Helena Dimitroska
