University Representation (UV)

Statutes, management order minutes
The university student representation (UV) sends students to the highest university commissions, operates the ÖH ServiceCenter and is responsible for the distribution of the ÖH budget between departments and study representatives. The UV of the Klagenfurt/Celovec consists of 11 mandate holders with the following distribution of mandates (May 2023):
Socialist Students Union of Austria (VSStÖ): 4 mandates
30.60% | 493 votes
Action Community of Carinthian Students (AG): 3 mandates
24.27% | 391 votes
Platform of Independent Students (PLUS): 2 mandates
20.11% | 324 votes
Green and Alternative Students (GRAS): 1 mandate
11.98% | 193 votes
Communist Students of Kärnten/Koroška KJÖ (KSV): 1 mandate
7.51% | 121 votes
Die Brut (DB): no mandate
5.52% | 89 votes
UV session take place twice a semester. You can join via YouTube live or simply watch missed sessions from the comfort of your home.

Statutes and management order

Here you will find the current statutes of the ÖH University of Klagenfurt/Celovec as well as the management order as a download. Likewise the statutes of the University of Klagenfurt. Downloads: